I have no idea why they call me golden, I may be worth a lot, however, I don’t even have half a carat of gold in me and I do not get dissolved in aqua regia either…
However, I am the protagonist of a Hungarian proverb which goes like this: “he shouts like a worm stuck in a piece of wood.” All this hype around me is because my ancient name contains the word ‘worm’. Anyway, who has ever heard a tiny worm shouting? You can also call me a reed wolf, however, I really don’t get along with a wolf as it is much bigger and stronger than I am. If we live on the same territory, usually I’m the one who draws the short straw. At first glance, I look like a dog mix, my back and tail are grey-black, my belly and throat are grey-white, my sides and thighs are reddish, my chest is decorated with two brown stripes.
I am a pretty good runner too, on one marathon I got a really good position, being able to run for more than an hour at a 40 km/h speed!
As a rule, I like smaller animals, I’m a specialist in rodents, I always devour them! My old dream is to form a music band, because I love to howl, scream, growl, and snarl for long periods. Most people believe they heard me sing as a back-up singer at a Hungarian pop stars’ concert, but because of my confidentiality agreement I really mustn’t growl anything about this.